Yuriy Markiv blog


squirrelmail web mail bug with too many messages in folder - fixed

19 January, 2018 | tech

 Just discovered a kind of bug in SquirrelMail version 1.4.23 [SVN]. 

When you got really huge amount of messages in one folder, like many thousands, the webmail just refuses to open the folder. Once you even opened the folder, you are not able to open any message. One obvious approach to fix it would be upgrading your server to more productive one, because the reason is huge consuming of resources by apache2 process (or other web server in your case).

Though there is one more approach to just split your huge folder into few new ones. So, if you are about to do so, just create one more folder, for example the original is "archive", then create another one as "archive2". Then log into your server using ssh, open your favourite file manager like mc and move part of messages (like half or so) from your ~/Maildir/.INBOX.archive/cur into ~/Maildir/.INBOX.archive2/cur 
